Friday, April 14, 2006

sōng shēng
Pine tree, sound.
Song of the pines

好好 坐,双 在前 轩。
yuè hǎohāo zuò shuāng sōng zàiqián xuān
Moon, all out, read, sit, pair, Pines, formerly, veranda.
I like sitting alone when the moon is shining, And there are two pines standing before the verandah;

西南 微风 来, 潜入 枝叶 间。
xīnán wēifēng lái qiánrù zhī-yè jiān
South-west, gentle breeze, comes. Sneaks, branches and leaves, between.
A breeze comes from the south-west. Creeping into the branches and leaves.

声,半夜 明月 前。
xiāo liáo wèi shēng bànyè míngyuè qián
Desolate, lonely, emits, makes, sound. Midnight, moon, before.
Under the brilliant moon at midnight. It whistles a cool distant music

寒山 飒飒 雨,秋 泠泠 弦。
hánshān sàsà qiū qín línglíng xián
Winter mountain,sound of rain, rain. Autumn, zither, cool, string.
Like rustling rains in empty mountains, And the serene harp strings in the fall

炎暑, 烦。
wén yánshǔ zài tīng hūn fán
One, smell, wash, scorching hot weather, Again, listen, smash, dusk, be vexed.
On first hearing them, The heat of summer is washed away:

竟夕 寐,心 (倏 换羽) 然。
jìngxī suì mèi xīn (shū quǎn huànyǔ ) rán
All night, satisfy, not, sleep. Heart, body, all, (suddenly, dog, molt) correct
And this suffocating boredom comes to an end, So i keep awake the whole night.

车马 动,西 歌吹 繁。
nán chēmǎ dòng lín gēchuī fán
South, strange, vehicles and horses, move, West, neighbor, singing and music, numerous.
Along the south street coaches and horses are stirring. Both heart and body becoming clear,

谁知 檐下, 满耳 喧。
shéizhī yánxià mǎn'ěr wèi xuān
Who knows, this, Underside of the eaves, filling one's ears, not, become, noisy. Who knows that under the roof-trees of this place, The ears are full but not with noise.


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